Without a Veterans United Home Loan we would have never been able to purchase our first home which is a dream come true for our family. We loved how everything that needed to be signed was done electronically. Yes there was a LOT to read and sign but it was so well worth the time to become home owners. Our loan officer Glen Leach and his team guided us through the entire process which we would never have been able to do by ourselves. Thank you Veterans United - we are very happy with our new house!!
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Experience first-hand why 883 homeowners give us a perfect score!
I'm Infantry NCO stationed at Ft. Lewis. So, I had real headache with Navy Fed, point of friction was that I was under 1 year mark before my possible ETS, and even I submitted all necessary paperwork: "Intention to reenlist", and "Statement of Service" - they were really rude, incompetent and unprofessional, they had no idea what VA Reg actually says. Finally, I lost my patience told Navy Fed to F...OFF and went to Veterans United. BEST DECISION I EVER MADE! Everything was so smooth and painless, it's almost unbelievable. Tammy was really fast and professional, they closed under 3 weeks, and I'll be celebrating Christmas in my new Home. Lesson I learned from it - don't give your money to the people who don't even pretend to care about you. Veterans United did a great job! Highly recommended.